viernes, 30 de abril de 2010

diferencia entre estilo, , fashion y moda

bueno desde aorita decidi q mejor voe a escribir mi blog en ingles Y en español va? jaja espero les guste mucho

bueno voy a poner aki todo lo que necesitan saber de moda, fashion, y estilo porq aunq no lo sepan hay una gran diferencia

- Moda : La moda es lo que siempre esta IN y nunk OUT pero son lo que todas las personas deben tener e un closet y algunas cosas siempre al ultimo minuto como en una revista vi que los jeans rotos son moda, los aretes laros tambien, los lentes tipo mosca son muy de moda calentadores, hasta llevar perritos chikitos en una bolsa es la moda jaja . Esos son los articulos que todo el mundo debe tener en su armario para cualquier ocasion.

- Fashion: Lo fashion es lo que los diseñadores de ropa hermosa pero muy cara kieren que uses en cada temporada como por ejemplo: ahorita estan muy de moda el blanco y nude colors como el beige y el color carne, lo fashion siempre cambia y en un mes van a esar de moda las flores.

- Estilo: Bueno el estilo creo q todos sabemos q es. Es cuando una persona sabe combinar cosas de una manera personal y con mucho estilo como Gwen Sefani que se atreve a combinar pants con zapatos de tacon y lograr que se vea bien o Cameron Diaz que podria comprar un vestido que cualquiera de nosotros lo veria y diria " ni en mil años compraria eso", combianrlo con accesorios padres y hacer que se viera como el vestido mas boonito de todo el planeta.

Okay so hers all you need to know about Fashion, Trends and Style because maybe you dont know this but theyre different in some ways
Trends: Trends are clothes that are never OUT, they are must-haves for a lifetime like long jewelry, shredded jeans, gigantic sunglasses, leg warmers (even little dogs carried in bags are trendy.

Fashion: Well fashion is what designers of expensive brands think we should wear for the season like maybe one season dots in shirts are in and the next theyre boring but black is a must-have.

Style: Well I think we all know what style means but if you dont then read, style is whe someone knows how to combine different patterns in their own way to make it fit their personality. Like Gwen Stefani who can comine sport pants with high heels nad still make it look fine, or Cameron Diaz who can wear an ugly dress but combine it with the right accesories and make it look like the most beautiful dress in the planet.

miércoles, 28 de abril de 2010

consider this

-The clothes you choose to wear and the ways you wear them always give clues to identify the music, interests, etc that you like, they tell the world whether you´re creative, outgoing, girly, gothic, whatever.
-When an actor plays a role, the wardrobe department helps him define the character through his clothes. Whether you realize it or not, you´re doing the exact same thing at home every time you get dressed.

Of course you´ve heard that some people are born with great style, and great taste but the truth is that most of us aren´t. It´s hard to imagine that someone like Sarah Jessica Parker , Cameron Diaz, or Mandy Moore has ever needed an advice on how to wear clothes or how to combien patterns with her her own personal style but trust me it happens to them as it happens to us (that means all the time).

So you don´t have to get in on every trend or even be that interested in fashion, to have a personal style. But you have to know what you like and if it looks good on yourself, you need to find your inner style and I´m gona help you do that. You need to build a solid and fun wardrobe that´ll help you feel okay and confident without spending a fortune. When you have this wadrobe it´s easier to show the world who you really are. Just be yourself.

lunes, 26 de abril de 2010

more superheroes

Could you imagine our superheores being so fashion haha that would be a lot of fun right? So my favourite is the comic girl, whats yours? leave comments love ya!


So I was there looking on agazines when I found a really nice article about a superheroe fashion show and I started to think what about if our heroes wore more fashionable costumes jaja it would be nice right? look at some pictures like spiderman:
Dont it looks amazing??

And then I saw another about a samurai fashion costume: (look at the boots!)

sábado, 24 de abril de 2010

SO new!

Hello everyone y name is majosh and well this is my first time publishing a blog so I hope you like, in this blog I´m gonna show you different things about fashion, tendencies, tips for having a nice skin and hair, makeovers, etc... but remember

Hola a todos espero q les guste mi blog pues estare publicando diferentes cosas sobre lo fashion, las tendencias de moda, algunos consejos para tener una piel bonita y un cabello igual, cambios extremos de apariencia, etc... lo voy a estar escribiendo en ingles, espero q no les importe pero recuerden...
okay well lets start with the one thing you must all know: While fashion and trends are constantly changing, one-of-a-kind style can last forever.
Style is a more essential part of our lives than most people think. On the pages of Vogue, on your favourite TV shows, projected on movie screens, on the web, and at school, fashion and trends play a big part in how we see the world. Clothes give us clues about who people are and what they like they provide us an outlet to express ourselves every day. The way you dress tells more about who you are than you realize. I can tell you´re thinking "of course not, it doesnt!" well just think of it this way:Before you´ve had a chance to tell a joke, introduce yourself, or even say hello, people have made decisions about you based on the way you dress. Once you sort out your own different style, getting dressed every day (and not to mention shopping) is going to be absolutely fun.